Monday, November 17, 2008

Bateman's Bay and 'Music at the Creek' festival

We leave sunny Canberra behind and head east, bound for the Music at the Creek acoustic music festival at Major's Creek, which is basically a tiny village (one pub, no other shops) halfway between Canberra and the coast, up high in the hills. Hills = cold = mist it seems - was like being in Scotland or Ireland! 'You call this summer?' I found myself yelling at the sky as the temperature dropped to 11c in the daytime! But it was very moody and romantic I must admit.

We had left the van parked behind the Major's Creek pub lunchtime on Thursday and headed down to Bateman's Bay, deciding to spend the night in a cabin at the caravan park rather than haul it down and then back up the mountain range which has some wicked hairpin bends and an 1 in 8 gradiant. We had a great day in Bateman's on Friday doing a section of the Eurobadalla coast (can't spell that but too lazy to check it) as far south as the pretty town of Moruya. Apparently I own a beach at Bateman's Bay - well maybe some ancestors did! Coast in this area is very lovely and unspoilt - have to say that generally speaking the NSW govt has done a much better job of protecting their coastline from overdevelopment than has the Qld govt (apologies to my employer - you are great - no REALLY).

We headed back up to Major's Creek and had Fri night through Sunday at the festival - very good - as seems to be the case at these things you happen upon some amazing acts that you've never heard of - I was very impressed with an eccentric ensemble called Mr Fibby with their hilarious Eastern European pseudo-Gothic tales of misery and despair set to violin, cello and guitar. Very entertaining! (They have a MySpace page if anyone is interested). Craig liked The Go Set - more in the tradition of a good Australian pub band. Isabella was kept entertained at the 'kids' tent' which had story telling, craft etc.

We met some great people at the festival who were camped near us at the pub - the pub had HOT SHOWERS and proper loos and was also one of the venues for the festival. A lovely experience all up.

So that's us officially done with the ACT - next stop Beechworth, Victoria!!!!


Mrs Music said...

Hello there! Music Festival that's what I like to hear! !

Have you any plans to visit the BIG merino at Goulburn, the BIG Oyster at Taree and the BIG Prawn at Ballina?

Unknown said...

Hi Golly, sounds like a tops holiday. sadly, I have to keep going to work. Holidays start for me in 2 weeks. Speaking of festivals, I'm doing the woodford thing for the first time this year. We only live ten mins down the road so will be able to come home for a hot shower and free cup of decent coffee when we want, though we do have camping tickets. The kids will be with us the first 2 nights but back at Todd's after that. I hope you are well (nothing more serious than motion sickness) I think of you often and miss you heaps. Take care on them thar roads, Girlie. Luv ya. Say hi to Craig and Isabella too xoxo