Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Coffs - Tamworth - Dubbo

We left Coffs (seems like forever ago now!) and did the terrifying drive up to Dorrigo - 15 km of what seemed like a vertical climb up the Great Dividing Range - absolutely breathtaking scenery but we needed a stiff drink after we made it to the 'top' - except all we got was more hills as we headed west towards Tamworth. We also saw yet more beautiful countryside and a fantastic waterfall - Ebor I think it was called from memory.

Tamworth - well we have mixed feelings on this town - I thought it was lovely but Craig was underwhelmed - it was only a quick stop on route to Dubbo in any case where we had the single best tourist experience that I can remember - staying at the Zoofari lodge at Dubbo Zoo (Craig queried whether it was better than my travels in Europe, but since that was nearly 20 years ago, I can't remember most of it (as my friends know, I can barely remember what happened the day before yesterday usually!)

I could go on and on about Dubbo Zoo - it was a fantastic experience staying at the zoo in their 'safari tents' which I'll post a picture of rather than try to explain. What was best was that the deal includes 3 guided tours of the zoo, where you get taken behind the scenes and visit the animals in their 'night quarters' (yes at night in the dark with a spotlight) rather than just seeing them out in the open areas. We got to hand feed giraffes, a rhino, the meerkat and a wombat and echnida - quite a mixed list, as well as visit the lions, hippos, wolves etc. And there was a great 3 course dinner and hot breaky too - and yes the opportunity to sit at the safari lodge sipping a gin and tonic. Happy happy me!


edite vidins said...

I am loving the blog. Miss you all.

Mrs Music said...
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Mrs Music said...

Panda Pops AND Mrs Music will certainly be visting Dubbo Zoo after reading your blog. Will you get a commission from our visit?

phil said...

Well Dubbo was my home town but there wasn't a zoo there then (except for my high school, I guess). But I took offspring no 1 there in 1989 and I agree it's great.

Always funny going back to your home town - the streets are so narrow and short, but I think that simply reflects the difference between a bicycle and a car as means of transportation.

Or perhaps just old age.

Word verification is "drombat", I imagine there was one at the zoo.