Saturday, December 13, 2008

Congratulations, Russian Bears and Princess Toe

To my sister Wendy on her engagement to David! They are in Hawaii on holiday and he 'popped the question'. No date for a wedding and I'm hoping there is no need for a 'matron of honour' because as David has no sisters, so I guess that would leave me in the role. Anyway whatever sort of wedding it ends up being it will be fantastic, even if Wendy makes me wear a shiny pink satin and taffeta frock that someone has decorated with a 'bedazzler'! Very pleased for them as they are both lovely people and I think will make each other very happy.

Meanwhile, back here in Kiama it's been a very mixed bag of weather from wet all day yesterday to sunny and hot today, but with gale force winds. I'm not exaggerating about that - the wind has actually torn our annexe off its mounting despite it being tied at multiple points to the ground! Luckily it only landed on the grass next to the van and didn't behead anyone.

In the interests of balance I'm including evidence of some of the things that happen when caravanners get wet weather. Little girls take to drawing characters on their toes, and big girls go shopping and come back with 2nd hand carved wooden souvenirs from the Soviet Union, thanks to St Vinnies. It's so ugly I HAD to have it. Craig is still perplexed, but given my collection of West German vases, I think he is starting to understand my love of 'unusual' momentos of countries that no longer exist.

1 comment:

Mrs Music said...

Greetings! NOT long until you are home and EVERYONE will be happy to see you and the 'caretaker resident of your home' will have tidied up!!!! Yes we did miss you!! Panda Pops has some Russian Bears and you must compare when he has many a (long??!!!) story to tell. All going well here and we are excited ?? about Christmas and looking forward to the festivities. Drive safely on your final leg home sweet home!!!!