Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Made it to Kiama!

No photos this time - long, long drive to get here - drove from Apollo Bay to Wodonga in one day, then yesterday we had a day just lolling about at the shops in Albury and took Isabella to see 'High School Musical 3' - which we shamelessly all enjoyed!!!!

Today was another very long drive from Wodonga to Kiama - the last part down the most terrifying mountain road I have ever encountered - one corner was literally a 'hairpin' in shape and the caravan wheels on one side left the road as we turned it - thank God we were driving DOWN the mountain not up it - might have had to do some Flinstone's style foot actions out the door to help us up the mountain otherwise!

I've had 3 glasses of wine (yes still drinking the cheap merlot from the IGA! I'm so common that I LOVE it!) and Nigella is on the TV, so my nerves are starting to settle. Fantastic van park on the beach - now we just need the clouds to leave! Do my posts improve when I drink????

1 comment:

edite vidins said...

Yes, I say keep drinking. Only kidding, I can't tell the difference, you're lucid and poetic all the time Mrs Humphrey. Going to look up Kiama on google maps.
Picture of set up please and picture of hair.